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Songwriters & Composers Songwriting Investigation Service

SONGWRITING - It is important for you as a songwriter, composer, lyricist and/or performing songwriter to know that you are dealing with reputable people and companies. The Guild can advise you in respect to the persons or company with which you intend to work and to any practices which are deemed to be unfair, a restraint of trade or a restrictive practice. The Guild can act as arbitrator between a Guild member and any other party, if required. We can also advise you relating to the right to receive money by way of royalties for any use of your songs. This service is free to all members.

Songwriters & Composers Songwriting Legal Contact Service

SONGWRITING -The Guild can assist members with contacts for specialist legal advisors if the need arises. songwriters, composers, lyricists and performing songwriters may also wish to consult with a solicitor in respect to examining contracts offered by music publishers, record companies, management companies, etc. However, the Guild can advise on any agreement/contract a Guild member has been offered with regard to its validity, to ensure that the agreement/contract offered is not devoid of necessary statement and clauses, which may make it unfair. Any agreement offered should be fair and reasonable to protect the Guild members interests. This service is free to all members.

How to join or renew your membership

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